Tricep Extension Machine

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How to Build Bigger Triceps 

If you want defined arms, you need to focus your time in the gym on tricep development. The only way to grow the triceps is to break down the muscle fibres with resistance training and eat a protein-rich diet to allow the muscle to repair and adapt. This is known as hypertrophy and is the basis for bodybuilding.

Resistance training can be bodyweight exercises such as dips or push-ups but the most effective method is weight training with targetted movements.

Later in the article, we have listed our top tricep-building exercises that you can perform in the gym or at home.

The triceps brachii, commonly referred to as the triceps, is a three-headed muscle located on the back of the upper arm. It attaches at the shoulder blade and extends down to the elbow, where it meets the ulna.

The primary function of the triceps is to extend the elbow joint, but it also helps with other arm movements like adduction and internal rotation.

Triceps are activated during heavy pressing movements but they can also be isolated with cable, dumbbell and barbell exercises.

What are the triceps?

The triceps are the three-headed muscle located on the back of the upper arm. It attaches at the shoulder blade and extends down to the elbow, where it meets the ulna.

The primary function of the triceps is to extend the elbow joint, but it also helps with other arm movements like adduction and internal rotation.

Anatomy of the triceps.

The three heads of the tricep are the:

-Lateral head

-Long head

-Medial head

The long head is the largest of the three heads and it makes up for about two-thirds of the mass of the triceps. It originates from the infraspinatus fossa, which is a depression on the back of the shoulder blade. The long head runs along the length of the arm and attaches to the elbow joint.

The medial head is a small, triangular-shaped muscle that originates from the lower half of the humerus. It attaches to the elbow joint and helps stabilize it during movement.

The lateral head is also a small, triangular-shaped muscle that originates from the upper half of the humerus. It attaches to the elbow joint and helps with

Tricep anatomy

There are a few key points to remember when it comes to triceps anatomy.

First, the long head is the only head that originates from above the shoulder joint. This means that it has a greater range of motion than the other two heads.

Second, the medial and lateral heads are both located on the outer part of the upper arm, while the long head runs down the inside.

Finally, all three heads come together to attach to the elbow joint.

Exercises to Build Triceps

If you want to add size and strength to the tricep heads, then you need to focus on compound exercises that target all three heads at once.

Some of the best exercises for this are:

-Close grip bench press

-Weighted dips

-Skull crushers

When it comes to isolation exercises (ones that target a single muscle group), the medial and lateral heads are best stimulated with exercises like:

-Cable pushdowns

-Overhead dumbbell extensions

-EZ bar extensions

As for the long head, it’s most effectively targeted with exercises like:

-Dumbbell overhead extensions

-Cable overhead extensions

-Lying tricep extensions

How to build bigger triceps

7 Best Tricep Exercises

Exercises that work the triceps muscles

1. Overhead tricep extension

The overhead tricep extension is a great exercise to work all 3 heads of the triceps muscle. The long head is worked the most, followed by the lateral and medial head.

How to do it: Sit on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing your thighs. Using a narrow grip, raise the dumbbells over your head until your arms are extended. From here, bend your elbows and lower the weights behind your head. Pause for a moment and then extend your elbows to return to the starting position.

2. Lying tricep extension

The lying tricep extension is another great exercise that targets all 3 heads of the triceps. The long head is worked the most, followed by the medial.

The lying tricep extension can be performed with a barbell, cable machine or dumbbells. Each allows a different grip and targets different heads of the tricep.

3. Close-grip bench press

The close-grip bench press is a great exercise to target all 3 heads of the triceps. The long head is worked the most, followed by the medial and then the lateral.

4. Tricep Cable Extensions

Using a cable machine with a double rope attachment is a great way to stretch and fully contract the triceps allowing for a great range of motion. This exercise can be performed with one arm at a time or both arms together.

6. Skull Crushers

Skull crushers are a great exercise to target the triceps, with the long head being worked the most. This exercise can be performed with dumbbells or an EZ-Bar.

7. Diamond Push-Ups

Diamond push-ups are a great bodyweight exercise to target all 3 heads of the triceps. They are great as a finisher at the end of a heavy pressing session or as an alternative if you do not have access to resistance equipment.

8. Tricep Dips

Tricep dips are another great bodyweight exercise that targets all 3 heads of the triceps. They can be performed with straight legs or bent knees, depending on your strength level and range of motion. Dips are hugely underrated for chest and tricep development. If you are setting up a home gym, the best investment you can make is in a dip/pull-up station.

9. Tricep Extension Machine

Triceps Extension Machines are not present in all commercial gyms but if you have one in yours, make full use of it. The quick weight selection makes it great for pyramid sets or drop sets. The constant tension also makes it a good machine for slow movements with maximum time under tension on the triceps.

There are many other tricep exercises that we have not mentioned on the list such as tricep kickbacks and V-bar pushdowns but we feel that they are all second-rate in comparison to the options above.

The Benefit of using a Tricep Extension Machine

The main benefit of using a tricep extension machine is the fact that you can target your triceps with great precision. This is very important if you want to make sure that your triceps are getting the most out of your workout routine.

Tricep extension machine

Another benefit of using a tricep extension machine is that it can help you to add some variety to your workout routine. If you feel like you are stuck in a rut with your current workout routine, then using a new piece of equipment like this can really help to spice things up.

Finally, using a tricep extension machine can also be a great way to save time at the gym. Instead of moving around between exercises, you can sit on the tricep machine and knock out an FST-7 round of sets. These are great for stressing all of the fibres in the tricep and promoting maximum hypertrophy.

If you have never used FST-7 before, read our guide to using it below.

What is FST-7 and how can I use it on a Tricep Extension Machine?

FST-7 stands for fascia stretch training 7. The idea behind this style of training is that by stretching the fascia (the connective tissue around the muscle), you can cause more muscle growth.

To do this, you need to perform 7 sets of an exercise. these can be set reps or decreasing reps on each set. For example, you might do 12 reps on the first set, 10 on the second, 8 on the third and so on. By the time you get to the seventh set, you should be struggling to get even one or two reps.

Between each set, take a 30-second break and stretch the target muscles before jumping straight back in for your next set.

This type of training is incredibly effective for creating new muscle growth. In fact, one study found that just one session of FST-7 training led to a significant increase in microtears within the target muscle.

To use this method on a tricep extension machine, select a weight that you can just about complete 15 reps with. Perform the reps relatively slowly taking the time to squeeze the triceps upon contraction with each rep. 

As soon as you reach failure, let go of the bar, rest your forearm against the machine and stretch the tricep by bending your arm and leaning onto it. If you can not rest your arm on the machine, just stretch the tricep over the top of your head. Hold each stretch for 10-15 seconds. 

Immediately after stretching, get back on the machine and start your next set. If you struggle to get above 12 reps, lower the weight slightly. 

Repeat this for a total of seven steps taking just 30 seconds between for stretching. this makes sure that the blood stays in the muscle and you will achieve the best pump. 

FST-7 is a great training method for building muscle because it:

1. Causes more microtears in the target muscle: This leads to new muscle growth as the muscle repairs itself.

2. Is an effective way to break through plateaus: If you feel like you’ve hit a wall, add in some FST-7 training to your program and shock your target muscles.

3. Increases blood flow to the target muscle: This results in a better pump and more nutrient delivery, both of which lead to increased muscle growth.

4. Is a great way to add volume to your training: More volume = more growth!

5. Can be used for any muscle group: FST-7 training is effective for both small and large muscle groups.

If you’re looking for an effective way to build muscle, then give FST-7 training a try! You won’t be disappointed!

5. Conclusion

It is no secret that developed triceps can benefit your overall aesthetic. they add size to the arm, make the biceps and delts look bigger and add definition to the upper body.

The triceps are one of the easiest muscles to train and respond very well to high intensity with big volume.

Follow our exercise guide above along with some FSt-7 sets and see your arms explode.

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