Fat loss for lazy men and women (No gym and no diet!)

Fat loss for lazy men

Fat Loss for Lazy Men and Women

Do you want to lose fat but, like most people, are too lazy to go to a gym or on a hike? Wouldn't it be great to lose weight while you watch TV, play with your kids or even sleep? 

If this sounds appealing to you, then you need to take a look at fasting!

Fasting is a practice that has been around for centuries. It is a method of cleansing your body from toxins and improving your overall health.

The benefits of fasting include weight loss, reduced risk of chronic diseases, improved sleep and mood, and even increased lifespan.

Many people are turning to intermittent fasting as a means to lose weight quickly. The length of the fast is determined by the type, with periods ranging from days to weeks. Some may eat only during daylight hours while others skip breakfast and only eat one meal a day.

 Intermittent fasting

Is Intermittent Fasting a Safe Way to Lose Weight?

Intermittent fasting is a popular dieting strategy that involves restricting the amount of food one eats to a shorter window of time.

There are many benefits to intermittent fasting such as weight loss, improved mood and cognitive function, and increased energy. It also helps with blood sugar control by reducing inflammation in the body.

However, it does have some potential drawbacks like potential muscle loss and dehydration which can lead to a drop in performance during exercise.

Intermittent fasting may not be safe for everyone, especially if you have any medical conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.

It is also important to consider how your body will react once you stop doing intermittent fasts and resume your normal eating patterns.

Some of the negative effects of fasting are:

1) Feeling really dizzy, especially when you stand up

2) Not being able to focus on anything

3) Developing a headache that doesn't go away with ibuprofen or aspirin

4) Developing dry mouth, feeling thirsty

You might want to consider stopping your fasting and working on reversing the symptoms if they become too severe.

Choosing the Right Fasting Plan

When you choose an intermittent fasting plan, there are some important factors that you should consider before embarking on this diet. These include the type of diet, your schedule, and your health goals.

There are a few popular types of intermittent fasting plans. These include:

The 16:8 Fast

The 16:8 method is one of the fasting methods that is gaining popularity. It involves consuming 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of eating.

This kind of plan is popular because it fits in with most people's daily lifestyles. Eight hours is plenty of time to fit in 2 or 3 meals meaning that it is relatively easy to get the calories that you need for normal functionality.

Meal plan for lazy fat loss

The 8-hour window allows you to eat all food groups in moderation. This diet can be a really good option for those who want to eat foods that are high in protein, like most meat and seafood or low-carb vegetables like broccoli.

A 2018 study found opting for an 8-hour eating window over a 12-hour eating window can have a lot of benefits. The tighter window can significantly help in the prevention of obesity, inflammation, diabetes and liver disease, even if the mice eat the same total number of calories.

The 5:2 Fast

Another popular fast is the 5:2 diet which consists of eating normally for 5 days and fasting for 2 days per week. This is another great option if you are looking for an eating plan to fit around a busy lifestyle. 

The intermittent fasting diet is based on a 2-day rotating fast where you eat 500 calories per day and for the other 5 days, you stick to around 2000 calories a day. 

This method is good for restricting calories for fat loss but does not offer as many benefits as other methods as you do not put the body into a long period of ketosis. 

The Warrior Diet

The Warrior diet is branded towards men in an attempt to make dieting a bit more macho. It is an extreme form of intermittent fasting that only allows for a four-hour eating window every day. 
During the 20 hours fast, you are allowed two small servings of fruit or vegetables as a snack and all of your calories come from one large evening meal just before you go to bed. 
The idea is that we are genetically natural nocturnal eaters. Our distant ancestors would have spent the day hunting and then the evening feasting on their catch. 
Digesting the feast at night allows the body time to digest and absorb the nutrients whilst resting.
The evening meal should contain a lot of protein and healthy fats with a smaller amount of carbohydrates. This helps to keep the body in a permanent state of ketosis. 
This diet is one of the hardest to follow, especially if you can not eat a large meal in one sitting. It takes a lot of discipline for the first 5-7 days but your body soon adapts and the hunger subsides. 


Eat Stop Eat

Eat Stop Eat has been around since 2007. It was devised by Brad Pilon who has written two books on his weight-loss method which is backed by lengthy research.

It is a straightforward form of fasting as it allows you to eat a normal, healthy diet for five days of the week and totally fast for two days.

It is similar to the 5:2 diet in the schedule but by totally cutting out food for you two fast days, you are much more likely to put your body into ketosis.

This is quite an extreme form of fasting and should be eased into for a couple of weeks at first with just one fast per week. Once you feel comfortable with this, step it up to include a second. 

Alternate-day Fasting 

Alternate-day fasting is a type of intermittent fasting that has been shown to be an effective weight-loss method. 

The strategy with this type of fasting is to restrict our calories every other day to around 25% of average daily consumption (around 500 for men and 375 for women). 

On non-fasting days, you just need to eat healthy, balanced meals with plenty of protein, fibre and healthy fats. 

As with the 5:2 diet, unless you heavily restrict the carbs, you are not going to force your body into long periods of ketosis but it is a good way of restricting calories for fat loss. 

Periodic Fasting

It is possible to periodically fast without sticking to a strict schedule. Many bodybuilders use this as a way of kickstarting their metabolism detoxing the body ready for a cutting phase.

Periodic fasting is also good for cell regeneration as you are typically fasting for long periods. 

A periodic fast can be anything from 24 hours to 72 hours. There are huge health benefits that can be attained from going for 72 hours but it is incredibly difficult at first and can not be performed regularly. 

Start with one 48-hour fast a month and then progress to a 72-hour fast. Expect to feel a lot of side effects during the fast such as bad breath, mood swings, restless sleep and headaches as your body goes into ketosis. 

Try to keep busy to keep your mind off of eating but do not exert the body with any extreme exercise. 

If you are looking for a lazy method of fasting this has got to be the best one. It requires little no planning, no special groceries and no meal prep. 

Because you are fasting for an extended period, you should take part in very little physical activity. 

What happens when you fast - A timeline

Side Effects of Fasting

The most common side effects are dry mouth, thirst and fatigue. Other possible side effects include nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhoea.

Less commonly reported side effects include headache, dizziness, muscle pains or weakness and fever. In rare cases, it can cause seizures or irregular heartbeat.

Severe allergic reactions are possible but rare. As with any diet or physical activity regimen, use caution and discuss the plan with a medical professional before beginning.

Fasting Makes Healthy Eating Simpler

Fasting is a simple way to lose weight without having to prep meals, plan schedules or count calories. It is a simple way of eating that takes the stress out of dieting. 

It can be hard at first, but when your body adapts, it is the easiest, laziest way of losing weight available. 

Not only do you not have to worry about portioning meals but you also don't have to shop for specific groceries. In fact, you will find that you save a lot of money because you are not eating as much. 

When you do eat, your body craves nutrition, so you are much less likely to buy expensive junk food and more likely to eat lean meats with vegetables. 

Fasting Tips 

During the first week of a fast, it is important to focus on the small details to ensure that you are not missing any opportunities. 

This means that you need to be disciplined and make sure that you are not doing anything counterproductive to your progress. This will help you to fast more efficiently and it will be a lot easier to continue for the rest of the time.

A good idea is to focus on a project. Something engaging enough to take your mind off of eating but not t strenuous as you do not want to be expending a lot of energy. 

Drinking lots of water will help with any hunger. There is much debate on whether or not your should drink sugar-free soda whilst fasting. 

On the one hand, they have no calories and can help with hunger so are good for fat loss, on the other hand, they are full of toxins and may trigger insulin release which can have a negative effect on ketosis. 

Some other fasting tips are:

1. Try to eat every 2-4 hours during non-fasting periods (except for the Warrior method)

2. Eat a lot of protein at each meal. this is slow digesting and will keep you feeling fuller for longer.

3. Drink plenty of water. This will help to flush out toxins and keep hunger away.

4. Avoid eating empty carbs. Crisps, chocolate and fast foods taste great but have no nutritional value. These will not help you to get the most from fasting.

5. Don't do this type of diet if you have a medical condition without consulting a doctor.

6. Don't do this type of diet if you're pregnant or nursing, or trying to conceive

7. If you are not losing weight and feel like you're making little progress, then it might be time to switch to a less restrictive diet.

Over time, many people have experienced success with intermittent fasting. It is important to remember that the results will vary depending on your current fitness level and your particular situation.


Fasting is a great way to lose excess body fat, clear toxins from your body and improve your overall health. 

Whilst the medical benefits are still being researched, it seems that a lot of researchers and patients have had huge success in treating various conditions. 

The benefits of fasting are there for us all to see. You may be a little sceptical because it goes against everything that we have been told in the past, much like low-carb dieting, but it actually works. 

We would encourage anybody looking to lose weight and improve their health to give it a go!


How does fasting change the function of hormones, cells, and genes?

Most people who practice intermittent fasting eat a significant amount of calories, but only once a day on an eight-hour period that typically falls in the evenings. Therefore, their average daily caloric intake is significantly lower than their usual diet.

This makes sense because according to research published in the journal Obesity, intermittent fasting has been shown to lead to weight loss without negatively impacting the function of hormones, cells, and genes.

Does Intermittent fasting improve cardiovascular health?

Two studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of intermittent fasting on cardiovascular health. The first study found that in people with metabolic syndrome who followed a 16:8 intermittent fasting diet for 12 weeks, there were a significant decrease in body weight, cholesterol levels, triglycerides levels and blood glucose levels. 

This, in turn, led to improved cardiovascular health as the heart was not having to work as hard to pump blood around the body. 

The second study also found that a 16:8 intermittent fasting diet in overweight/obese males for 16 weeks reduced body fat and cholesterol levels drastically leading to a better functioning cardiovascular system.

How does intermittent fasting actually work?

Intermittent fasting works by giving the body a certain amount of time to rest, usually, 12 hours or more, during which food is not eaten.

The fasting practice can help people lose weight while promoting muscle synthesis and overall health. In addition, intermittent fasting has also been shown to promote growth hormone production and decrease ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates hunger.

During the fasting period, your body starts to use up the glycogen in your liver and muscles for fuel. This allows you to reach a state of ketosis.

Because this is a process of using your own body fat stores as fuel and not breaking down carbohydrates or protein, the dieter will be in an almost constant state of ketosis.

That means they will take in fewer calories while still losing weight.

Intermittent fasting is also a good option for people who are trying to avoid sugar and white bread because it promotes eating healthy fat, protein, and whole grains instead.

The benefits? It has been shown to increase the lifespan of mice by 20%. It also has many other health benefits such as:

*A decrease in blood sugar levels

*A decrease in insulin levels

*A and higher metabolic rate

*An increase in autophagy (the gradual break-down of cells)

This type of fasting is considered to be a safe and effective way of weight loss in that it does not require the person to drastically change their daily eating habits.

Can fasting reduce insulin resistance?

One of the benefits of fasting is that it can reduce insulin resistance, which in turn lowers your risk for type 2 diabetes.

In addition to lowering your risk for type 2 diabetes, fasting can also be beneficial to those who are already dealing with this condition.

The American Diabetes Association recommends that people with diabetes should fast if they want to lose weight or improve their health. Some studies have shown that intermittent fasting can help improve insulin sensitivity and lower the risk of diabetes.

Does fasting induce cellular repair?

Different types of cells in our body undergo various processes during fasting. For example, the brain cells release more BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) which promotes neurogenesis (the formation of new nerve cells). 

This helps in improving cognitive function and mood control. 

The key point is that fasting induces various cellular repair processes which are beneficial for overall health and well-being.

Are there any other medical benefits to fasting?

Fasting has been shown to help prevent the development of cancer in several studies. It has been shown to reduce inflammation, regulate insulin levels, and promote cell regeneration.

Some researchers have found that fasting may help prevent autoimmune diseases like Crohn's Disease and Type 1 Diabetes, but many are sceptical of the benefits.

Long-term fasting has also been associated with improvements in gum disease, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and asthma.

In some studies, fasting has also been shown to improve symptoms of fibromyalgia, to an extent that medication usage could be reduced or eliminated.

Fasting is still a relatively new concept when it comes to healthcare and there is still a lot that we need to learn from research and trials. So far, the majority of health benefits have been discovered by patient trials and positive reviews. 

Can intermittent fasting help you maintain muscle mass while losing fat?

It is well known that dieting leads to muscle loss. However, there is evidence that intermittent fasting helps with muscle mass maintenance when compared to continuous dieting. 

Intermittent fasting promotes growth hormone and testosterone production which is essential in muscle growth and maintenance. If you continue to activate the muscles through light resistance training whilst fasting, you should see minimal muscle loss over short periods. 

Fasting has also been shown to help with fat burning and an improvement in cardiovascular health when compared to continuous dieting.

Can fasting help prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, degenerative brain disorder that is the most common form of dementia. It is caused by the formation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain.

Fasting has been shown to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease in mice. It does so by reducing insulin levels which have been linked to amyloid plaque formation.

Fasting also increases BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) levels which are known to promote neuron growth and repair processes in the brain.

Should you end a fast if you feel unwell?

If you are struggling to stay on a fast because of minor side effects, you should try the following:

1. Drink plenty of water and other fluids like coconut water, green tea or black tea. 

2. Eat small portions of protein every two hours, like half an avocado or a handful of nuts. 

3. Have some fruit as dessert after every meal and snack throughout the day. 

4. Get enough sleep and exercise regularly.

If the symptoms are severe, such as a fever, vomiting, or feeling faint, you should break your fast and eat. Your body will either need sugar, salt or hydration so make sure you take in all of these nutrients and rest for a couple of hours. 

It may be that you tried too fast for too long, too soon so try a shorter fast next time. It is also advisable to have a check-up and seek medical advice before fasting again.


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